Citroën Car Showroom Wrzosowa

Citroën Car Showroom Wrzosowa

Car showroom with authorized car service and office background. The character of the building marks the return to pragmatic thinking, in which there is no place for imitation. The black cube made of glass recalls Modernism, but the inside of the building has been obviously inspired by Deconstruction. The idea of the translucent architecture has been adapted here with great results. It shows the new face of the commercial architecture - light, beautiful and useful but not too expensive.

localized:ul. Katowicka 32, Wrzosowa k/Czestochowy
usable floor area of car showroom:548,7m²
usable floor area of repair shop:716,2m²
design:2002 - 2003
client:PTUH Klimczak

Citroën Car Showroom Wrzosowa

Car showroom with authorized car service and office background. The character of the building marks the return to pragmatic thinking, in which there is no place for imitation. The black cube made of glass recalls Modernism, but the inside of the building has been obviously inspired by Deconstruction. The idea of the translucent architecture has been adapted here with great results. It shows the new face of the commercial architecture - light, beautiful and useful but not too expensive.

localized:ul. Katowicka 32, Wrzosowa k/Czestochowy
usable floor area of car showroom:548,7m²
usable floor area of repair shop:716,2m²
design:2002 - 2003
client:PTUH Klimczak